Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm Back...

So I've taken a break from writing for over a month now. I wasn't too worried about it... until I heard that someone had actually checked my blog recently.
The past month has been pretty busy for me. I've had my regular routine of school, church, and ministry. There were also four Chai Alpha teams that we hosted. They helped with starting a group at Cucea, which is the business campus here. They also helped with our children and homeless feeding programs. It was very encouraging to work with them. Two of my classmates from my spanish class have also starting coming to the children's feeding program, which has been an answer to my prayer.

During spring break, I travelled to Galveston, TX and stayed with my Uncle and Aunt. My dad and Grandpa also came down to visit. I was so glad to be able to be refreshed and refocus. I spent most of my time at the Marina where my Uncle works, and learned a lot of interesting things... I don't think I can say more that that without incriminating certain parties:)
I came back to Guadalajara on Friday. Ok here's my story... I wanted to wear a headband, but I know they give me headaches. I decided to tough it out, wear the headband and take Advil. The girls were complimenting my headband when I arrived at the house. We were talking about the lengths we will go in order to keep up appearances. (Ex. instead of removing the headband, taking medicine.) The guys here couldn't understand why we would put ourselves through that...or believe that headbands could cause any discomfort. So, the girls and I took it upon ourselves to give them a lesson in "bearing one another's burdens." So they wore our headbands for the rest of the day. (These guys also have blogs...)

So both breaks are over now...which means I will be writing again:) It's good to be back!