Sunday, January 14, 2007

...mY sUnDaY

So, I could use the excuse that I've had an unreliable internet connection here to explain why I haven't updated the information on my blog about what's been going on for these past few days...(Which is really true. It took me forever to post the last one because the connection kept shutting off so I couldn't save the pictures.) That would only be partly true though. The other reason is that I've been feeling very homesick and frustrated. Pretty much like I didn't fit in anywhere and had nothing to offer sort of stuff. (Yes, sad but true.) Anyway, I've just been praying...and praying...and praying...but still sort of feeling sorry for myself.
Today, I went to my new church Agua Viva. I was very nervous, but also excited to meet my new church family. Before I left I read in my daily devotional (My Utmost for His Highest) that people don't necessarily receive a special calling, but it's more about having your ears tuned in to what God needs accomplished. That got me thinking that I must have done something sort of right because I actually heard God's calling. So I decided that I could be brave and drag myself out the door. forty-five minutes and two bus rides later, my roommate and I arrived at Agua Viva. (Someday I'll do an entire post just about the bus rides.) The pastor was not there, and there children's pastor, Ruben, preached the message. It was about faith. He used Hebrews chapter 11 for his scriptural text...the WHOLE chapter. (Yeah, we didn't get out at noon, or even 12:30pm.) The part that really hit me hard was when Ruben got to the part about God telling Abraham to leave his home country. He asked, "Can you imagine what it would be like if God asked you to do that?" Yup, I could relate. I looked at my roommate and we both smiled. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I would never compare myself to Abraham, Moses, Rahab, Jeffery Portman:)...but it gave me an entirely new perspective on "being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses." The people there were very warm, and I felt very comfortable.
*I didn't take many pictures today, because I didn't want to seem to gringa, güra, tourista...ish.

Next thought...I bought my flash drive today. 1 gig! So that pretty much finished my school shopping. Woohoo! Tomorrow I start español classes...and my other SAGU classes too since my books will be arriving. I just realized that I've practically lived at Wally World since I've arrived here. I saw the biggest tres leches cake ever when I was there. The milk was dripping all over the floor, and it smelled amazingly good.

Last, I really need help with my interior decorating, as you can see. I'm pretty much organized, (which isn't the huge since nothing's officially started yet...but it looks kinda bad. My uncle and aunt gave me the calendar with the creepy cat. I can barely look at it (something about the human eyes and teeth), but my roomates think it's cute. I took the thingy off the light and used it to hold my pens/pencils/highlighters. There was an old Darth Vader mask people were going to toss out, so I rescued it. I spent some money getting the pictures of my family developed to put up and on my green melon candle, but other than that, not really. If anyone has any good and economical suggestions, let me know:)