Wednesday, January 03, 2007

...Some Crunch Time Ramblings

I've been working on a list I've appropriately labeled my "crunch time check list." I should have it finished by tomorrow...Woohoo! I started packing and wow, I have a lot of junk. The thing is, I have some sort of emotional attatchment to it, so it's really hard for me to just can it. Maybe I'll just leave it in a pile and ask my brothers to do something with it after I leave. I don't think they'd go for that though.

The days seem like they are flying by. (This is an extremely overused metaphor, but I'm not sure how else to describe it.) I remember wondering what it would feel like to be leaving home. It seemed so far off, and now I am only five days away from that reality. I remember my Grandma telling me that life was sort of like a train. It took a while for it to get started, but once it did start, it couldn't stop. (Alright, so I've used flying, a train, now I just have to say something about life is a highway, then my right of passage on the oceans of time...and I'll be well-rounded with the traveling analogies.) Now, as I look back on the section of my life I'm leaving behind, I am struck with the realization of just how much I have been blessed. There is so much that I could say, but not adequate words to express what is in my heart. I only hope that I have in some way touched the lives of those who have so greatly touched mine.

Oh, I found out two amazingly cool things having to do with my travel arrangements. I will be flying from Pasco to Seattle with Dennis and Jan McDonald, the pastors at the Grandview Christian Church. That was enough to make my day...but it gets better. I'll be flying from L.A. to Guadalajara with some other Engage interns. One of them has been helping me with getting all of my paperwork in order and answering questions I couldn't find the answer to in the handbook. So, I won't have to go through Immigration and fill out the paperwork all by myself! It's the little things like this which serve to remind me that God is always looking out for me.
That's what my name means by the way...Jessica *or Jessika means "Jehovah beholds" and Nicole means "Victory." Babcock means something like "barbarian" or "thin bean farmer"...but I'm not reading too far into that.

Well, I'd like to end my random-ness by saying, "Lord, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this incredible opportunity You've given to me!"