Saturday, February 03, 2007

a full day...and a lot to think about

Yesterday was a very full the morning I went on a University field trip to Tonala, a nearby community. They showed us the workshops where glass, Lupita dolls, and paper maché sculptures were made. It was very impressive to see these people at their work and it was incredible to watch the raw material in their hands take form.

As I was going through the various workshops, I noticed something that was described as "ironic" by one of the other University students. There were several stations where a crucifix, Mary, or the Pope would be right beside pictures of women in bikinis (and in some cases nothing).

When I first saw these, I thought that it was ironic as well. As I continued to ponder this, I realized that, really, this was an honest representation of the state in many hearts. To a majority of the population, Jesus is a part of a religion...and religion is easily put along side all the other facets that make up an individual's identity: Occupation, Family, Religion,Social Group, Political Standing, Economic Situation, Interests and Abilities, etc. There's nothing life changing simply about a religion.
The significance of this hit me like a ton of bricks. (Yes, this phrase is very clichéd...but I can't think of a better was to describe it.) I have been called to preach the Gospel, not religion. It's not enough for me to be saying or doing the right things, or to be helping others toward this as well. If all I have to offer is religious knowledge of a man who taught good principles, they may as well continue down the road they are currently travelling. I have to know Jesus. If I don't know Him every single moment of the day, I am simply plastering religion on my wall along side all of the other things in my life...and some of those things aren't pretty.
So, that's as far as I've processed on this topic. If you have any wisdom to add, I'd love to hear from you!