Feliz Dia De Independencia!!!
Today was Mexico's Independence Day. It was fun to see how patriotic so many people here are. My church had a party with a mechanical bull, and amazing tamales! It was a great time of hanging out with my friends... although we discovered that a lot of jokes are definitely cultural. (I told the duck joke, but most people thought it was sort of mean. I didn't think most of their jokes were funny either because they had to do with word play...which isn't my cup of tea.)One of the missionaries had spoken earlier in the week at the children's feeding program about the significance of the flag's colors. When she was speaking about the color red, she said that Mexico was able to celebrate peace, but it was gained at a high price. The price was the blood of thousands soldiers who bravely sacrificed their lives. She related that to spiritual peace and freedom. It was only because of Jesus' blood that it is possible in our lives. That thought has been in the back of my mind all day throughout the different activities.
Today also marked the "Commissioning Day" for 40 days of prayer and fasting for the Engage in Missions team. We started this because many Christians, even in ministry, are not in the habit of consistently praying and fasting. Please keep me in your prayers as we embark on this journey. I know that God is desiring to move in the city of Guadalajara, and I also know that God is looking to build discipline in my life. I felt that God was asking me to fast by not communicating with mi novio, and I have struggled with wanting to be obedient...and well, just not wanting to do what God has asked me to do in this particular area. However, all of that aside, I am very excited for these next days, and know that this is far deeper than what I feel and can see from the starting line.