...to live a beautiful life
Friday, June 29, 2007
So, the Wisconsin team left this week...they were an awesome group of people. We did a lot of children's programs...two everyday. It was so amazing to see the kids' receptiveness to God.
Other than that it's just been raining...A LOT. It's rainy season now, so it just starts pouring out of no where and then disappears after an hour or so...but it does this a few times a day. We've had some pretty massive thunder storms...but mostly rain. I'm not a huge fan:) The next couple weeks should be pretty relaxed...and then Grandview Assembly of God is coming!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
...A little about the teams...
I've been working with short-term mission teams since I've been back. The first one I was assigned to was a Chi Alpha team from Wright State University in Ohio. There were ten people on this team, including the leaders... (The two leaders are actually returning to Guadalajara in August to help with campus ministry.) I wasn't really able to do that much campus ministry in the Fall because of my school schedule. I enjoyed experiencing this ministry because so much of it is relationship based.I was also able to visit four of the major universities in Guadalajara and pray. I have been feeling the need to be more actively involved in intercessory prayer. It was encouraging because I would have a thought about what I should pray for and as I would be praying it (in my head) someone else would speak the exact thing, almost word for word, of what I had just thought. It wasn't anything weird or spooky. If it hadn't been for the confirmation of the others praying what I too had been impressed upon to pray.
I am now working with a team from Wisconsin...it's a group composed of different (mainly junior high and high school) students from around the state. Their focus has been children's ministry... which is something that I always love being involved with. We've been doing a lot of work in a very poor neighborhood and I hadn't seen those kids since I'd left for the United States, and it was so good to be able to hug them and talk with them again. It was so exciting to hear that our work with these kids has made an impact. A church plant is now going to be made and Latin American Child Care is also going to be opening a school. If they open a school in the area, the roads might be paved as well as utilites added in the area. It's funny how we never know before hand what impact our obedience will have.
Another very encouraging thing happened today, and we almost missed it. As we were preparing lunch for the kids, we noticed that there probably wouldn't be enough. One of the girls in the Engage program said, "Guys, lets stop and pray that God will multiply the sandwiches." We prayed and handed them out...and finished with the rest of our program. Afterwards we tallied up the number of students who were there and it was bigger than the number of sandwiches we had...but all of the students were able to eat!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A Much Needed Update...
...I wasn't planning on this being a monthly blog...but that's really what it's turned into. I just returned from spending three weeks back home. It was such a refreshing time for me! It was so good to be able to spend time with the people I love. I am so proud of my brother Josh. He graduated at the top of his class (valadictorian...if that's even how it's spelled). Tomorrow, I'm going to be working with a Chi Alpha team from Wright State University. It's a pretty small team...I think there are only about 10 people in it. That you all for your support and your prayers! I know I will especially be needing them during the busy summer schedule.